TMJ Therapy®
The World Health Organisation estimates that 1 in 4 people have TMJ.
However many people have this condition without knowing it. Symptoms are wide and varied. It may be difficult to receive a definitive diagnosis. Some may have it for many years without knowing. Medical intervention is often expensive and invasive with low success rates.
In 2000, after qualifying in massage, and with almost 20 years experience as a dental professional, Tracey Kiernan combined her knowledge and experience to create her unique TMJ Therapy® protocol.
Treating clients on referral from her dental surgeon, Tracey developed and refined her work over years of clinical practice. In 2005 she wrote her first 1 day introductory training course and the rest as they say is history.
Since then, her highly effective treatment protocol has been taught to hundreds of therapists in the UK, Ireland, Europe, USA and Australia who are helping relieve symptoms in 1-6 treatments.
This gentle, yet highly effective approach has been helping people for almost 20 years.
The protocol is made up of a unique blend of bodywork techniques, developed by Tracey herself in clinical practice.
As her knowledge and experience grew she began to understand the impact of the TMJ on the rest of the body.
With this in mind she developed her protocol further so that TMJ Therapists® like myself are trained in a range of effective massage and myofascial techniques addressing not just the TMJ but the body as a whole.
A full body approach to treatment combining massage, trigger point work, myofascial release, direct fascial bodywork, cranial work, PNF stretching and rehabilitation exercises, to bring effective relief from the many symptoms of this often difficult to treat and debilitating condition in six treatments or less.