Bowen Technique
The Bowen Technique is a gentle, drug-free, hands-on remedial therapy that is suitable for adults and children of all ages – from newborns to seniors.
The small precise, rolling movements are made over muscle, tendons and ligaments at specific points on the body where tension and stress tends to be held. These gentle moves appear to be the catalyst that switches the bodies‘ flight or fight’ stress response into rest and recover mode. This shift occurs secondary to the stimulation of the fascia which surrounds the areas we are working on. It encourages the body to release tension and stress, helping the body to physically and chemically rebalance.
The Bowen Technique was introduced to the UK in the 1990’s and is now practiced by thousands of Bowen Therapists all over the world.
I have further my studies and now adopt Importance of Symmetry approach by Graham Pennington.
Many times dysfunctional areas of fascia (the connective tissue I am targeting ) are referred to as knots, ropes, gristle, adhesions, and scar tissue. There aren’t actually knots and ropes under your skin. Instead, what we have is mal-alignment of tissue due to trauma and injury, poor motor patterns, and emotional distress. Releasing these tissues is simply creating a biochemical and mechanical change that will give us an opportunity to create more efficient movement patterns in the future.
A simpler way of explaining how The Bowen Technique works…
Ok – so you are tent (be tent , feel the tent… you are the tent!!) and you have a misalignment so your roof is saggy.
It’s a painful and annoying time for all campers.
A chiropractor would alter the TENT POLES to achieve symmetry
A masseuse would smooth out the FLYSHEET in a hope to alleviate the problem
A BOWEN practitioner would alter the GUY ROPES, releasing the tension on the over tight (hypertonic) and tighten the loose (hypotonic).
This would achieve symmetry and the tent would be PERFECTION
Everyone gets a good night sleep!